Our families have good things to say about us! And almost all of the families we help with their first baby are calling us early in their second (or third...or fourth) pregnancy to get on our schedule.
My husband and I had our daughter and we had no clue what to expect as new parents. Of course, we took prenatal classes and had tons of books, but we had no real experience with children. I never changed a diaper in my life. Our families live far away and weren't going to be much help. Luckily, I found out about TMC a few weeks before delivery and contacted them. They were able to match us with two incredible doulas, Ellen and Jen. Our first night home from the hospital went really well with the Jen (overnight doula) who could help me with breastfeeding and taking care of our daughter. I learned so much from Ellen (day doula) about infant care that gained a tremendous amount of self-confidence as a new mother. I highly recommend TMC to anyone for postpartum care and help. They really work to meet the needs of families. -Tara C., Chapel Hill, NC
“You know how they say it takes a village to raise a baby? Well, one good doula is equal to that whole village!” — Emily D.
“After doing some research for night time newborn help, I was lucky enough to learn about Triangle Mothercare from my pediatrician. When my twins were born, we already had a 16 month old daughter at home. My husband and I learned quickly that a night’s sleep was well worth the money we paid TMC to come care for the twins overnight!" - Britney, Raleigh
“We loved our night nanny (overnight doula - Jen), who came to our home several nights a week. She was so wonderful with the babies, and she gave us lots of good suggestions and welcomed advice. Every evening we looked forward to that quiet knock at our door at 11pm — help had arrived and we could sleep! Not to mention we would wake up to clean bottles and laundry." - Shelley, Raleigh
"Our doula (Diane) was very easy to work with too. A few weeks after my twins were born, my 20-month old got the flu. Our doula came over herself to help me care for the twins with virtually no notice. She was a life saver! She also came to my house and trained our two babysitters about how to care for newborn twins. I am so grateful that we found Triangle Mothercare. I can’t imagine going through those first few months without them!” — Kim, Raleigh
“Dear Triangle Mothercare, I wanted to let you know again how much I loved having members of your team as an integral part of my postpartum experience. Your expertise and care when it comes to nurturing a new mother and baby are superior. When our daughter was born, our doula made being a first time mom a much more relaxing and less bewildering period. Their help with breastfeeding, baby care, household running and tender loving care were invaluable." - Ashley, Chapel Hill
“When we found out we were pregnant with our second child, one of the first things I said to my husband was ‘We have to get on Triangle Mothercare's calendar!’ The second time around, when our son was born, your company’s services were equally appreciated and treasured. I feel so thankful that I was able to welcome both of my babies into this world with your skilled care and support. I would never have a baby without you!” — Erika, Chapel Hill
“Dear Triangle Mothercare, a simple ‘thank you’ seems so inadequate in response to your unbelievable services." - Elizabeth, Durham
“We were nervous about how we were going to be able to cope with the lack of sleep and demands of breastfeeding accompanying a newborn, along with the care of our 4-year old, following my difficult pregnancy. Our fears were allayed the minute our doula (Heather) arrived and busied themselves in helping me with my every need. From her expert assistance with breastfeeding, to her changing every diaper without being asked, to keeping on top of all those loads of laundry, I was able to get all the rest I needed and one-on-one time with my 4-year old." - Leslie, Raleigh
“Our family time together during this usually stressful transition time of adding a newborn baby was so smooth and peaceful primarily due to your tremendous service and calming manner. Our doula (Amanda) allowed me to rest and did so many household chores while managing the baby’s and my care, that our evenings together as a family were wonderfully peaceful and happy times. Our doula's wisdom and advice on the baby’s needs were invaluable." - Sarah, Chapel Hill
“Our family time together during this usually stressful transition time of adding a newborn baby was so smooth and peaceful primarily due to your tremendous service and calming manner. Our doula (Amanda) allowed me to rest and did so many household chores while managing the baby’s and my care, that our evenings together as a family were wonderfully peaceful and happy times. Our doula's wisdom and advice on the baby’s needs were invaluable." - Sarah, Chapel Hill
"I am writing to thank you for all your love and support during the first few months of our son’s life." - Zoe, Chapel Hill
“When I was at the end of my pregnancy, my mother suggested I hire a postpartum doula for the first few days after we returned from the hospital. As a first timer, I had no idea then what a postpartum doula was. Did I really want a stranger coming into my house during that precious time? Wouldn’t I know how to take care of my own son? The answer to the latter was yes, and no. Yes, my natural instincts and my little boy’s innate wisdom would eventually lead us, but I did not take into account how tired my body would be from the birthing experience and how my hormones would turn my world upside down." - Susan, Chapel Hill
“I quickly learned the definition of a postpartum doula. They are part sister, part nurse, part teacher, part cheerleader and all parts friend. I could not have survived those first few weeks without Triangle Mothercare's help. Just seeing our doula (Heather) walk in our front door, with their calm energy and gentle smile, gave me the strength to continue." - Danielle, Raleigh
“With your tender supportive care and expertise with newborns, I was able to find my focus and gain back my strength, including finding the energy to continue breastfeeding even though it seemed it would never work. (My son and I are now doing great!)" - Claire, Durham
“Triangle Mothercare is now top on my list of recommendations for all new moms I meet. You make an enormous contribution to the lives of so many women, enabling them to look back with joy on those sweet early days with their newborns. Our family will never forget you!” — Robyn, Chapel Hill
“Triangle Mothercare is the best money we’ve ever spent. I can’t imagine how first-time parents could survive without this kind of support. I had every breastfeeding problem possible — mastitis, yeast, a tear in my nipple, a baby that wouldn’t latch, etc. The doulas had great creative suggestions as to how to overcome these problems, and provided support and encouragement when I didn’t think I could continue. As a result, my 8-week old is now a great eater and breastfeeding is going smoothly. All of my friends comment on how ‘together’ I am as a new mom, and I credit Triangle Mothercare for this compliment!” — Allison, Chapel Hill
“Stephany’s services were a life-saver for us. Getting a good night of sleep a couple of times a week provided me with the energy to keep up with my 3-year-old son and new baby, too! If and when we have child #3, we will definitely be calling on you again!” — Fancy, Durham
“Triangle Mothercare was an absolute lifesaver for our family! My husband and I were extremely pleased with the level of service we received. TMC took care of all the details, truly listened to our needs and placed us with the perfect doula (Heather)!"
“Jen is a professional, well-qualified and very personable. She came into our home and made everyone feel at ease. Bringing home a newborn is stressful on so many levels. She made the transition from one child to two extremely smooth. She not only took care of me after a c-section, but loved and cared for my newborn and three-year-old as if they were her own. We were heartbroken when our time with her was over. In just a month, she touched our hearts. There is no one more qualified, sensitive or more loving to the needs of a newborn and their family than Jen of Triangle Mothercare!” — Renee, Raleigh
“Jen has so much to offer with her postpartum services. She gave me lots of baby tips and was great at answering all of my questions. She also helped by preparing meals and doing chores such as dishes and laundry. Most importantly, Jen's care of our son was excellent. My husband and I were able to rest and to get work done. The suggestions and referrals she gave were very helpful and we cannot thank her enough. She was flexible with our schedule and specific needs. She treated our home with respect and our family with lots of care. We highly recommend Jen for her postpartum doula services!” — Cindy, Durham
“I just wanted to let you know that we LOVE Terri! She has been amazing for the babies and my wife. She’s extremely helpful and constantly goes out of her way to help with research and follow-up (even on weekends). I feel as though she’s part of the family and when she’s not here we miss her. Not just because of her help but because of her overwhelming and passionate care. She’s also hilarious which makes it even better! I know how nice it is to hear about an employee who exceeds expectations, which Terri clearly does on a daily. She’s a jewel!” — Kevin, Raleigh.
“Ellen was a wonderful caregiver to our children, but also served as a sounding board for my husband and me. She was sincerely concerned about not only the children’s well-being, but ours as well. She guided us through all the information and allowed us to make choices in which we felt more confident because of the education she shared. We received much more out of your services than we ever imagined. Having triplets and being a first-time parent is daunting, but with Triangle Mothercare our confidence grew. The services, and our doula, have been an investment we recommend to any new parent.” — Liz, Raleigh
“My doula helped me identify a breast yeast infection and a plugged duct. She taught me about milk freezing, pump cleaning, and was very supportive in my attempts to breastfeed the babies. She offered great instruction in a loving, non-critical manner. Her understanding of the physical and emotional challenges of caring for multiples is invaluable. We would not be as confident, or have such happy babies, if she hadn’t been with us through these first son while my husband and I talked to the fire department and got our dogs out of the house! Though she came to our home only 6 times, I really felt like she became part of the family and we all miss KK! Having Karen was the best gift my husband could have given me. I just wish I had known about postpartum doulas back when I had my son!” — Francesca
“Since we had triplets, sleep was very important. Having three preemies, I doubted that I would feel comfortable with anyone. I was wrong. We felt comfortable with our Triangle Mothercare doulas right away. We will all miss all of them.” — Lara, Durham
Stephany (doula) and Triangle Mothercare truly made our lives much easier. I can’t say it’s all been easy, but having extra support has made our transition to 5 kids smoother. Stephany was so supportive in helping me nurse twins. She helped with positioning and really encouraged me to eat well and rest. Having someone in our home whose primary purpose was to make my life easier was a wonderful experience. Stephany easily connected with my older children as well which made taking care of the twins much easier. Stephany helped us all gain confidence in our abilities as parents and helped us run our household with minimal interruption. Thank you, thank you!” — Robyn, Durham
Doulas & Night Nurses providing in home care for newborn babies, new mothers and families in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex, Wake Forest, Holly Springs, Willow Springs, Knightdale, Hillsborough, Carrboro, Garner and Clayton.
Copyright 2002-2024 Triangle Mothercare Doula & Night Nurse Agency, Inc. All Rights Reserved.