Congratulations! You’re having twins? Or triplets? Or more??
Triangle Mothercare’s CPR-certified Doulas and Night Nurses have the training and experience with multiples and preemies that will help make your transition to parenting calm and enjoyable.
What a wonderful gift — to be parents of multiples! However, the flip side of that surprising news is the apprehension — how will you manage? The challenges of babies arriving as a set can seem overwhelming, and many parents do not know how to prepare for it.
Some of the benefits our Doulas & Night Nurses provide to families of multiples include:
More sleep
Greater breastfeeding success, especially for simultaneous feeding
Suggestions for effective pumping
Getting multiple babies on flexible efficient schedules
Time- and energy-saving tips for handling multiples
Confidence that will result in successful outcomes
Reduced occurrence or severity of postpartum depression
Information about community support and resources for families with multiples
Premature babies come with so many extra needs! A preemie might be just a few days early or several weeks too soon. Multiples have a way of arriving early, and that really calls for extra help! Whether you have a preemie who arrives early alone or as a set of early multiples, you’ll have a lot going on during the days and nights as they struggle to mature.
When babies are born between 34 and 36 weeks (or earlier), they may have low birth weight and have difficulty breastfeeding. Many of them spend time in the NICU and may have physical challenges. These small, fragile babies require extra attention, which can overwhelm already-exhausted parents, who may have already spent weeks at the hospital. By providing expert and experienced care, a Triangle Mothercare Doula or Night Nurse will help ease the worry and burdens that new parents experience during this time.
“Dear Triangle Mothercare: We received much more out of your services than we ever imagined. Having triplets and being a first-time parent is daunting, but with Triangle Mothercare our confidence grew. The services, and our doula, have been an investment we recommend to any new parent.” — Jess C. » read more client comments
Some of the benefits we provide to parents of preemies are:
Greater breastfeeding success, for multiples too
Assistance with implementing alternative feeding methods to increase birth weight (as approved by your pediatrician or lactation consultant)
Education about developmental issues and expectations with preemies
Effective pumping techniques to increase milk supply
Confidence that will result in successful outcomes
Teaching kangaroo care and baby wearing
Emotional support, including reducing the occurrence or severity of postpartum depression
Information about community support and resources for families with preemies
Doulas & Night Nurses providing in home care for newborn babies, new mothers and families in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex, Wake Forest, Holly Springs, Willow Springs, Knightdale, Hillsborough, Carrboro, Garner and Clayton.

Copyright 2002-2024 Triangle Mothercare Doula & Night Nurse Agency, Inc. All Rights Reserved.